She works as a cartoon singer at The Ink and Paint Club, a Los Angeles supper club. This femme fatale causes her jealous husband a decent estimate of grief. The insecurity she arouses within Roger drives him to go as far as hiring a hidden detective, Eddie Valient, to peruse her fidelity. Eddie's investigation unintentionally digs into the nature of man as Jessica states, "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way."
When venturing into a personal quest to find inner truth, dress up as Jessica Rabbit and peruse her philosophy. Unsure how to capture her look?
Amazing Halloween Costumes
Follow these easy directions and feel the total work on of being in her character.
Step One. The Red Dress. While its been said that every woman needs a miniature black dress, Jessica sets herself apart and opts for red. You can go to an ordinary group store or your beloved boutique which carries dresses. The excellent dress will be a deeply luscious red color, ruby or rose color will do best, and the tighter the fit the better. Give preference to dresses that are spaghetti strap or tube topped, and those that show cleavage. A slit that creeps up to the high point of the thigh is staple part of Jessica's look, but if you can't find a dress with one already cut do it yourself. Creating the slit yourself will supply you with more control over how much leg you would like to show. Be truthful when cutting the hem line, and consider sewing the top of the slit so it will not tear more.
Step Two. The Blue Gloves. As a woman of class, Jessica Rabbit protects her hands and arms with elbow length gloves. A deep midnight blue color contrasts her red dress and shows her elegant style. If you are having mystery looking gloves, try visiting the accessories group of a vintage store. If this also proves unsuccessful a bridal store should carry the gloves you are looking for.
Step Three. The Red Wig. Jessica Rabbit's look would not be the same if it wasn't for her long and alluring red hair. Her waves prove fatal in the heart's of men and help her make a decent living working as a waitress. Unless you are lucky adequate to be born with long amber locks, you will want to get the Jessica Rabbit wig. Any online wig store will carry just the hair do to make your character impersonation complete.
With your dress, gloves, and hair in order you are qualified to take on Jessica Rabbit's character. Don't forget she originates from a cartoon world, so the situations you will encounter may be unlike anything you have ever experienced before.
A Jessica Rabbit Halloween Costume in 3 Easy Steps
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