This is my list of the movies that inspire me the most. I am a movieholic and hope you guys find inspiration from this list. Enjoy the show
1. Chase Of Happyness- A rages to riches story about a man who goes for his dreams and wont let his circumstances get in the way
Amazing Halloween Costumes
2. Remember The Titans- In the 1970S a black and white high school are ended down and blacks and whites are mixed together. Through all the racial tension a black coach is chosen to head the newly segregated football team
3. Forest Gump- The story of a man with a low Iq who rose above his challenges, and proved that determination, courage, and love are more prominent than intellectual ability
4. The Color Purple-Its based on the life and trials and tribulations of an African American woman in the early 1900's
5. Rudy: A big football fan who all the time had the dream to play for the Notre Dame football team. He is told he is too small for the game but he perseveres on
6. Ali-Based on the true story of great boxing champion Muhammad Ali
7. Life Is Beautiful-It's the story of a funny and carefree Jewish man who uses his comic talent to safe his son from the realities of Nazi occupation
8. Braveheart-Story of William Wallace a peasant who unites the 13th Century Scottish in their battle to overthrow the English rule.
9. Erin Brokonvich- About an unemployed single mom who becomes a legal assistant and practically on her own brings down a California power enterprise accused of polluting a city's water supply.
10. The Shawshank Redemption- Two men in prison bond over a amount of years, they find eventual redemption Through acts of decency.
11. Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story- About the founder of the street gang the crepes and how in prison he found redemption. On death row he is able to find redemption
12. The Hurricane- The story of a talented boxer who is wrongly convicted of murder and his fight for his innocence
13. Billy Elliot- A young boy decides to come to be a ballet dancer and he gets some resistance from his family. He faces many trials as well triumphs as he perseveres to turn his family's narrow minded set ways, inner conflict, and standing on his own feet
14. A gorgeous Mind-A bio of the rise of John Forbes Nash Jr., a math genius able to solve problems that baffled the many of minds. And how he was able to overcame years of suffering from schizophrenia to win the Nobel Prize in 1994
15. Gandhi-True story about Mohandas Gandhi a prominent Indian leader
16. Chariots Of Fire-About athletes who compete in the Summer Olympics about their perseverance and triumph.
17. Philadelphia- Is a movie dealing with Hiv/Aids and homosexuality and it highlights the homophobic and stigma of the two
18. Fried Green Tomatoes- Its a recollection movie where an older lady recalls the story of two women their trials and tribulations and lifelong friendship
19. Rain Man- About a selfish man who finds out his father left his millions of dollars to an older brother he didn't even know existed
20. The Notebook- A gorgeous love story which lasts decades
21. Titanic- Is a movie set on the ill fated stupendous ship and its about a love story that develops on the ship
22. Sea Biscuit- True story of the undersized Depression-era racehorse whose victories lifted not only the spirits of the team behind it but also those of their nation
23. Ray-True life story of Ray Charles and his spectacular, story of overcoming the impossible
24. Pay It Forward- About the miraculous story of how a young boy changes the lives of many population Through the uncomplicated act of good deeds
25. The bucket List- About two old timers who rule to do all the things they have all the time wanted to do before they die of their terminal illnesses
26. Milk- About the life of Harvey Milk the first openly gay man elected to collective office in America in the 70s. It is about his impact on the gay ownership movement. One of the best movies I have ever seen.
27. Coach Carter- A basketball coach at a high school works hard to turn the bad attitudes of his students.
28. Radio- About a shy mentally challenged man who inspires a community
29. Leisure Writers- About a educator who teachers rough inner city kids who fights to make a incompatibility in the students lives and set them on a best path
30. Norma Rea- About a mill laborer in a southern textile enterprise who stands up for the best working conditions of her workers and herself.
31. The Diary Of Anne Frank- Based on the life of Anne Frank who hides from the Nazi while the invasion
32. Glory : The story of the first enterprise of black soldiers in the American civil war
33. Life Support- the story of a mom with Aids who overcomes crack addiction becomes an Aids activist in her community
34. Babe- A pig which is raised by sheep dogs learns how to herd sheep
35. Whats Love Got To Do With It- The spectacular, life story of the great entertainer Tina Turner and the spectacular, obstacles that she overcame
36. Hotel Rwanda- The true life story of a man who sheltered thousands of Rwandans while the Rwandan genocide from danger and death
37. G1 Jane- Is about the first woman in allowed in the navy seals and huge obstacles in her way
38. To Kill A Mockingbird- Based in racially torn 1939 Alabama and its about the hearing of a black man accused of raping a white woman
39. Glory Road- Is based on the true story of the first all black basketball line-up for the 1966 Ncaa national basketball championship title
40. Sarafina- About the Soweto youth riots against apartheid in South Africa
41. Amistad- Is about an 1839 mutiny of slaves on a slave ship
42. Slumdog Millionaire- The story of a slum kid who grows up and plays the Indian version of Who wants to be a Millionaire
43. American History X- A reformed Neo-Nazi comes out of prison and tries to stop his younger brother going the same path he did
44. The Pianist- A pianist tries to survive the Nazi invasion
45. Schindlers List- Based on the true story of the enterprise man Oscar Schindler who saves thousands of Jews from the Nazi motor while world war 2
46. Boys Don'T Cry- A story about the courage to be who you truly are in the midst of horrible opposition
47. Chocolat- About a mom and daughter who move into a conservative narrow minded French town in 1960 and shake things up
48. Malcolm X- The true life story of Malcolm X an influential black human ownership activist
49. Oliver Twist- Based on Charles Dickens movie about a young orphan boy and the troubles he finds as he tries to survive in a harsh world
50. The Jesse Owens Story- The true story about Jesse Owens the African American athlete who proved Hitler wrong about the Aryan physical superiority
I love these movies. If you have not seen some of them check them out you have nothing to lose. To your life!
The Top 50 Inspirational Movies
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